Kateřina Adamová

She studied in the drawing studio of Professor Jitka Svobodová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. He has been studying the boundary between drawing and painting, which he finds in crayons.




Artists & art studios

She studied in the drawing studio of Professor Jitka Svobodová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. He has been studying the boundary between drawing and painting, which he finds in crayons. Thematically, it went from depicting specific objects, whose shapes she used as an acronym for depicting fear of human finiteness, to depicting important personal moments in the groundbreaking One Year cycle, depicting, in Michel Foucault's words "heterotopia," meeting oneself against the backdrop of everyday life. The cycle One Year was a reaction to the transformation of her own body as a result of the author's illness and became a logical starting point for her further works in which she deals with intentional transformation (cycles Creature, Masks). Partial metaphysics has been present in Kateřina's works from the very beginning, but it only becomes clearer in the Simulation cycle, which relativizes notions of God and expected ascension. She has had a studio in Pragovka since 2014. Kateřina Adamová's cartoons excel in craft virtuosity, which the author combines with serious, spiritual themes, which she brings to the viewer spiced with distinctive humor. It is a mature artistic expression with a clear message and visuality.

Author: Lucie Nováčková, in: Rezavá ústa/Magická dekáda, p.521.