Lucie Nováčková

Painter and visual artist.




Artists & art studios

In 2014, together with Zuzana Růžičková, she founded the Kolben Open event, which became a platform for the presentation of works by Pragovka residents, mostly at the time of the founding of the upcoming generation of visual artists. She is a graduate of cultural history at UPCE, Brno's FaVU, majoring in painting 1, and Hradec Králové FVK, majoring in textile creation. In his freelance work, she alternates between these two disciplines - classical painting and a monumental textile installation. The author uses traditional handicraft techniques, which she gradually reduces to a minimalist expression, but at the same time enriches them with the principles associated with painting, and on the contrary revives painting with the appearance of movement, stemming from the experience of working with textiles. As part of the effort to link painting and textile technologies, there is a central cycle of LaTence, on which the author has been working since 2008 and where she uses traditional textile craft technologies, which she modifies; the original way of their use changes into the basic principles of new works.

Author: Lucie Nováčková, in: Rezavá ústa/Magická dekáda, p.532.