Martin Káňa

Martin Káňa graduated from the Drawing Studio of Jitka Svobodová at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and has been exhibiting since the mid-1990s.


E Factory


Artists & art studios

 At the very beginning of his studies, he switched from the classic figural drawing studies to large-scale figural compositions which employ spray painting and airbrush. Instead of classic substrates, he paints on steel, laminate or vinyl and continues with such experiments to this day. Gradually he works his way from painting to sculpture. In the early era of his work while still at the Academy of Fine Arts, he worked on themes based on pop culture phenomena, such as science fiction, comics, and Asian visual influences. He uses contemporary industrial materials, such as carbon fiber. The other part of his work is clearly conceptual and allows him to treat socially relevant themes in a sculptural and painterly manner.