Residency Program Pragovka Gallery

You already know about our residency program AIR Pragovka Gallery, but now you'll find out who have visited us so far.


30. 8. 2024

Since the beginning of this year, we have welcomed four Czech and international artists in our space. The first resident was Tereza Vinklárková, who focused on preparing stage and costume elements during the residency for the creation of the first chapter of short film stories titled ITSTORY. The result of the residency was an audiovisual piece showcasing various aspects of the upcoming film production.

Matěj Boček's work primarily revolves around expressive figurative painting. However, during his project Jaro, Léto, Podzim, Konec, he depicted the fading of spring flowers during late frosts and the seasons in the chaos of climate disruption through 3D animations.

As part of the residency, international artists Demi Spriggs and Sabrina Bühn created an interactive performance and sound installation titled How Metal Is Your Ecocide? They placed biosensor systems on the plants to capture their movement, moisture, and health. The outcome was a series of sound outputs that played different sets of soundscapes.

Daniel Nováček, a visual artist interested in narratology and cinematography, participated in the residency program during May and June of this year, coinciding with the Reconstruction No.6 exhibition in the Pragovka Gallery. The outcome of the residency included a presentation of a new video series and a creative writing workshop, which you could also attend.

Currently, Belarusian artist Yuri Beryzkin is working at Pragovka. He is a sculptor specializing in ceramic works and builds cities out of unfired clay. His creative process has led him to a specific kind of architecture that combines soft, natural forms of bodies with solid, man-made structures, such as panel buildings or monuments from ancient times. The presentation of the residency outcome, titled God’s Kitchen (19.9.2024 6:00pm).

Several more artistic residencies are scheduled before the end of this year. Follow our calendar, Instagram of Facebook to make sure you don’t miss any residency outcomes or the open studios of individual artists.

We are very pleased to be an inspiring place where artists and figures from the art world come to create.

foto: Marcel Rozhoň, Mária Karl'akova