Veronika Landa

An artist whose work reflects personal and social themes.


E Factory


Artists & art studios

Veronika Landa studied Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at the studios of Michael Rittstein and Vladimír Skrepl. She has been exhibiting regularly since 2002. The projects which have placed her work in the context of the contemporary Czech art scene include Česká malba nultých let 21. století (Wannieck Gallery, Brno, 2011), Současná malba (NTK, Prague, 2012), Roviny v chaosu (Prague House Brussels, Brussels, 2015), Stavy Mysli (GASK, Kutná Hora, 2017), Flying inn (Pragovka Gallery, Prague, 2019), Spolu jinak (New Gallery, Prague, 2019), or KO-LABORACE (Pragovka Gallery, Prague, 2021).