Terezie Kuschbach Kolářová

Large-format paintings with strong motifs are the main work of Terezia Kusbach Kolářová.


E Factory


Artists & art studios

Terezie Kuschbach Kolářová projects her mental experiences into painting. She perceives painting as a gateway into magical timelessness where real experience takes on a "divine" dimension. She finds herself in a free space beyond the world of the 21st century. Her interest in other cultures, religions, customs, and countries has taken her to exotic places (Egypt, India, Israel). Each of the places she has visited has left a deep mark on her work. In recent years, Kolářová has focused on the relationship between civilization and landscape, on the tension between the destructive power of humankind and the vital energy of vegetation. She extends the realistic painting message to include a transcendental dimension.

Text by Veronika Marešová