Creative writing workshop with Daniel Nováček

Pragovka Gallery invites you to a presentation of the artist Daniel Nováček's residency on 8 June at 3 pm.


8. 6. 2024


3:00-8:00 pm


Pragovka Gallery

Typ eventu


The afternoon at the gallery will be devoted not only to the presentation of a new video series created during the residency and part of the exhibition Reconstruction No. 6, but also to a creative writing workshop from 15:00-20:00.

Daniel Nováček is a visual artist who is interested in narratology and cinematography in his work. He graduated from the Intermedia Studio at FaVU in Brno, where he is currently continuing his PhD studies. His main authorial program is an extensive video series called Reconstructions, which is characterized by a minimalist "manual" visual language. Programmatically, he works with the means of cinematic language and video-installation, and through his own metaphorical language he processes current social issues in a way that enriches generally accepted critical attitudes with a novel psychological insight into the problem.

The afternoon will also include a Round Table / Perspectives of Conceptual Art in Eastern Europe on the exhibition A Spring of Hope, A Winter of Despair.

The stories are a dominant manifestation and a stimulus for reflection on contemporary forms of of the world and its possible development. Storytelling is one of the most common types of of interpersonal communication. We work with stories on a daily basis, we consume them in in mass quantities and tell them intuitively. But if we want to tell stories to use storytelling as a functional tool for our own artistic creation, it is essential to become familiar with the rules of exactly how storytelling works.

In order to participate in the workshop you need to fill in a short questionnaire in which you share a few stories from your life. 

These stories will form the basis for the exercises we will cover in the workshop.The questionnaire must be completed by Friday 7 June 2024 at the latest. Answers can be short, just write a few concise sentences for each question. Do not worry too much about the answers; write the first thing that comes to mind. But always answer honestly - don't write stories. Write in the questionnaire the information that you are willing to share with the other workshop participants. At the same time, it is important that you describe situations in your life that you are sure the other workshop participants do not know about (in case you are attending the workshop together with someone you know).The workshop will be held in Czech language only.Link for questionnaire: