Performative lecture with anthropologist Martin Soukup

Pragovka Gallery invites you to an accompanying programme to the current exhibition of Šárka Koudelová and Gideon Horváth BROKEN FEMUR on 18 July at 6 pm.


18. 7. 2024




Pragovka Gallery



Typ eventu


There is a recurring moment in our exhibition when the body, its parts, products or even its remains, are used for recovery, provide shelter or become a means of healing rituals. The provision of one's own body, that is the transformation of an essential part of our existence, identity and survival into an object that serves, cares and heals, is seen as a symbol of the moment around which Margaret Mead's mythical statement revolves. The sharing of one's own necessary resources, putting oneself in danger and scarcity, and the care itself, indeed sounds like the beginning of human civilization. But how was it with her quote in reality?

18:00 doors
18:15 catalogue launch
18:30 guided tour
19:00 Performative lecture with anthropologist Martin Soukup