Student Fashion Show 2023

By students for students, SFS23 is a fashion show where students from different design schools have the chance to present their work together to a new audience.


5. 5. 2023


6:00 p.m.


Pražská Továrna


CZK 250 - 400

Typ eventu


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SFS23 is the first year of the all-evening event that focuses on fashion and design. This is a show of the creations of young creative people who study art, design or other schools in these fields (such as Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Technical University in Liberec, Higher Vocational School of Fashion Design or Tomáš Bata University in Zlín). Even the young artists who do not have this opportunity in schools will also get a chance to present their work, as they devote themselves to art, for example, in their free time. All these people are the future of the fashion industry. Among other things, they deal with the topic of sustainability and this is the best way how to show their work. 

You can look forward to their new collections and a musical experience that will accompany the entire event.