Pragovka Gallery invites you to one of the autumns exhibitions.


od 20. 9. do 15. 12. 2024


tue–fri: 1pm–7pm
sat–sun: 12am–6pm


Pragovka Gallery



Typ eventu


The exhibition Possessive Excessive refers not only to the excess of seemingly cheap things or experiences that we crave and are intended for immediate consumption. Possessive Excessive is first and foremost a playful response to the hard-to-degrade materials and neurotic feelings that we have all become accustomed to in our own way.

Mildeová creates a designer simulacrum of a clothing store, tailored to the space in Pragovka. Her installation is a mental reflection of the insistent need for a constant supply of dopamine through various channels. The artist plays with the metal tubes of prefabricated yet custom-made hangers, arranging fast fashion pieces for cheap queens and kings in a bizarrely high end art style. Her focus is not on specific fashion pieces, but on the system and design that shapes our desires.

Golák works with shapes and forms in their rudimentary, no-frills way. The dirty minimalism of the forms of his sculptural installations is enlivened by a similar fascination with material with a different sense of aesthetics of excess than that of Milde, the glittering princess. In this case, the rubble of plastic leftover from factories is both the sad confetti of the oil industry and the basic building unit of his version of the post-industrial landscape. The moving parts of Golák's installation are a relatively noiseless but insistent noise soundtrack that unites the two installations in an inexhaustible symphony of overproduction and boundless consumption.

Possessive Excessive builds on the spindly legs of mannequin-faced capitalism on a mountain of heavily recyclable plastics and shopping dopamine, and on a post-communist building passion for all that we lack neither in the centre nor in the periphery.

Curator: Miroslava Urbanová